Why Aerate Your Lawn?
Lawn aeration involves the removal of small soil plugs, or cores, out of the lawn. Typically, this process takes place in late August and throughout September. On many occasions, your lawn can be aerate/over-seed even later in the year provided the soil temperature stays high enough to get your new seed to germinate. There are numerous reasons to aerate your lawn. Here are some of the benefits of aerating:
• Aerating reduces your dependency on water. Why spend more money watering your lawn than you have to? In neighborhoods or cities where water is very expensive, nearly everyone will aerate their lawn. The aeration process allows water to get into the soil before the water has a chance to run off.
• Aerating reduces compaction. Over time, your lawn becomes compacted. Whether it is from you walking on your lawn, your children playing on the lawn or just general use, the soil becomes compacted. Soil that is compacted cannot absorb water, air, nutrients, seed, etc. that it desparately needs to stay healthy.
• Aerating encourages your roots to grow deeper. Within two weeks of aerating, you’ll notice that the holes left by the aerator start to fill up with plant roots or from the new seed that is normally used during the over-seeding process in the fall of the year.
• Aerating holes help to absorb water. Rather than water having to start penetrating from the surface, it can start penetrating from one to 2 ½ inches below the surface. Not only will the holes made by the aerator hold the water, but they will also help the water to sink 2 – 4 inches deeper into the soil.
• It encourages thicker turf. As your roots grow down, your grass will grow quicker and also thicker, creating a thicker turf.
• Aerating helps build organic material in the soil. Compacted soil just doesn’t have nearly as much organic material in it. The aeration process allows organic material and other nutrients to enter the soil.
Let Dos Amigos Landscaping aerate your lawn this fall, for a beautiful green healthy lawn next spring! Call us to schedule: 434-465-0075